About Us
The Stirling and Hills Garden Club is an enthusiastic group of Adelaide Hills' gardeners who meet monthly to listen to guest speakers, share gardening secrets, participate in friendly competitions and raffles and learn about plants and gardens. Interests are diverse and there is always gardening help and support.
Members share a love of gardening and enjoy visiting gardens and nurseries and have organised trips within the state as well as interstate. Some also open their gardens to the group for club activities.
We are an active group with additional interesting gardening activities including, outings, plant stalls, workshops, fundraising and community involvement opportunities and donations.
Annual fees are $30for single membership and $45 for a double.
New members are always welcome so before joining come along to a meeting.
Contact us if you would like to join up or inquire for more information.

Stirling and Hills Garden Club celebrates 35 years -
As the Stirling and Hills Garden Club celebrates its 35th birthday in 2021, we acknowledge those who have made a contribution to our success and look forward to continued community involvement.
The Club was formed in 1986 by a small number of avid gardeners and since that time has grown significantly, with now over 60 members. David Weston is our longest serving but not our 'oldest' member.
When Stirling and Hills Garden Club was first formed, our meetings were held in a cellar beneath the Masonic Hall in Milan Terrace Stirling, now converted into residential accommodation.
There were few members at that time, and we worked to increase numbers through various activities formulated to enhance publicity for the Club. A garden competition was held for several years, supported by a real estate firm, local garden centres and Neutrog, the fertilizer people. This proved successful in our efforts to attract new members and stimulated interest in the Club.
We have changed venues from time to time, mainly due to increased membership. During the life of the Club, a friendly atmosphere has prevailed and the sharing of knowledge between our more experienced gardeners and newer enthusiasts, has always been a feature of our activities.
Since its inception, the club has always been an inclusive club of gardeners whose activities include a promotion of gardening through its community focus and fund raising.
It has been our aim to encourage young people in gardening and horticultural pursuits and this has included the provision of assistance for various educational projects over the years. More recently, we have had the opportunity to support victims of bushfires and the restoration of native habitat for flora and fauna.
The club affiliated with Garden Clubs of Australia (GCA) in 1991 and has actively supported GCA with members such as past president, Elizabeth Dobson being on the board for quite a number of years and other members providing input to GCA AGMs, as well as interclub visits. Through the initiative of Elizabeth, the club ran the 2018 South Australian Garden Rally at Mt Barker, which was very successful.
We look forward to continuing for many years adapting constantly to whatever challenges we face, knowing that gardening will always inspire us and forge links with like-minded people.